Contents of this page
To be certified as a school of Peace and Reconciliation you will need to register so we can invite you to relevant events and offer you support as you work to fulfil the criteria. We recommend you complete the registration form at least 2 terms before you intend to submit your evidence for the award.
Criteria for Award
To achieve accreditation you will need to meet the following criteria. The criteria are quite flexible to take into account the differing ways schools might approach implementation. Schools will not be expected to submit a great deal of written evidence. There is a submission form below. An alternative will be to request a visit from a Lord Mayor’s Peace Committee representative to assess your peace and reconciliation activities.
The four criteria you must fulfil are:
- Attending Continuing Professional Development of staff linked to the Award and its aims.
- Providing evidence of work linked to Peace and Reconciliation at a school level.
- Pupil participation in Coventry peace initiatives such as the Peace Poem or Peace Wall.
- Evidence of wider activity in peace and reconciliation work in the community, nationally or internationally.
Action Plan
We recommend you draw up an action plan for how you are going to achieve all four criteria. For an example see
Examples of evidence for each of 4 criteria
As well as written summaries of how you fulfilled the four criteria, we also ask for visual evidence such as photos/videos/newsletters that will give the assessors a sense of the work that children have carried out on the various projects you have run.
You can see the evidence submitted by Earlsdon Primary School here. It is an example of the type of thing we are looking for.
Please note the following is not an exhaustive list. See this page for forthcoming opportunities.
Attending CPD linked to the award:
- PeaceJam training programme
- CPD on handling difficult conversations
- Training on anti-bullying, restorative approaches, community cohesion
- Workshops delivered by the cathedral and SACRE
- Rights Respecting Schools Award training, Schools Linking training
Providing evidence of work linked to Peace and Reconciliation at a school:
- Peer mediators, playground pals, restorative justice
- Entry into Peace poems, peace song competitions
- Amnesty international youth groups
- PSHE programmes of study and projects promoting health and wellbeing, Citizenship
- Opportunities within the curriculum e.g. climate issues, debates,
- Pupil voice, student council projects
- Mentoring in Violence Prevention
- Safeguarding Champions (due to be launched in spring 2020)
Pupil participation in Coventry Peace initiatives:
- Commemoration of events in the year e.g. HMD, Hiroshima Day, Peace One Day,
- Accessing Coventry Peace Trail
- Attendance at Lord Mayor’s Peace Committee Annual Pupil Conference,
- PeaceJam event
Evidence of wider peace and reconciliation work in the community, nationally or internationally:
- Rights Respecting Schools Award, ICONS Award,
- Involvement with UNICEF
- International school links
- Charities or organisations supported
- Peace gardens
Submission of Evidence
When the four criteria for the award have been completed you can submit your evidence by downloading and completing the Peace Award Submission Form.PEACE-AWARD-SUBMISSION-FORM
The work of at least two terms should be evidenced. Evidence of activities undertaken during the current academic year is acceptable.
Dates for Submission of Evidence
Submit your evidence by any of the following dates: 29 March, 7 June, 30 November, 29 March 0r 7 June.
Assessment and Award Process
Your application will be quality assured, a decision will be made to validate your application and a certificate and trophy will be awarded at a ceremony in July provided you submitted your evidence in time for the assessment to be made. The award is valid for a period of three years.
About Coventry Lord Mayor’s Committee for Peace and Reconciliation
The Committee works to promote peace and reconciliation both within Coventry and beyond. It includes representatives from a variety of organisations in the city that support its aims. It organises events including the Lord Mayor’s Peace Lecture and programmes including the Schools Peace Poem Competition, Peace Song Competition and the Schools Peace and Justice Forum.
For more information visit
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