Blue Coat School Makes News by Receiving Coventry Peace Award
Coventry Observer carried a front page photograph and story on 8 July about an event at Blue Coat School, Coventry, when the Lord Mayor presented the school with a Coventry Peace Award Certificate. On behalf of Coventry Lord Mayor’s Committee for Peace and Reconciliation, Pru Porretta and Manjit Kaur presented the school with the Coventry Peace Award Trophy.
Also present was Jennifer Jenkins representing the Diocese of Coventry Board of Education and their website carried an account of the event.
These reports told how students from across the school performed drama, read poetry and showcased artwork which symbolised the theme of peace and reconciliation. Some of the students were included in the Observer’s photograph. The drama explored different scenarios requiring peace and reconciliation. Students also spoke about the symbol of the peace dove, read out poems and performed a rap they had written on the theme of peace. Peace doves made by pupils were displayed and gifted to visitors.
Read the Coventry Observer story and see the photograph here. Read the Diocese story here.
Visit the Coventry Peace Award website for more information
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