Teachers’ Thoughts on Peace Education
The following ideas were raised during the launch of the Coventry Peace Awards on 11 February. They might be useful in planning peace activities in your school.
What does peace in your school look like?
- Peace garden (new), Mindfulness (golden mile), Yoga, respect each other and school, the school and the ethos, to be involved in the Peace Orchard and take part in the Peace poem event
- Taking risks, Challenge difficult topics, engage with young people, promote sympathy and kindness, peace is a catalyst for understanding the human experience, anti-bullying ambassadors, promote friendship and tolerance,
- Conflict resolution work, empathy and understanding, accepting our differences, Living the values and ethos of the school,
- Prefects supporting children in time-in, Peace area in the school
- Reflection, building bridges, celebrating differences/diversity, positive interaction, faith-based values, having conversations, peer mediation training
What activities can promote peace?
- School council and other schemes that schools may have, Link school and community work, Primary links with secondary schools on projects about peace
- Ethos of the school, celebrating community diversity, assemblies, visits in or out of school to understand different faiths, Circle time activities
- Mindfulness activities, arts and crafts, peer mediators, school councils, yoga
- Encounter with other faiths/culture, difference, living relationships/partnerships, significant cultural events in the year, peace songs/poems, peace trail, cathedral visits
What would you like help with that promotes peace?
- RJ conversations, techniques, high profile and local role models, relevance, free diverse key speakers, case studies,
- Communication, cross community tolerance in times of post-Brexit!, connections, social media
- Interaction with parents on how they interact with each other policy of practice
- Playground buddies, how to promote peace to the school and community
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